The Monkey Wrench. Part of the “Anthropocene Cabinet of Curiosities” international exhibit hosted by the Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany. February 2015-January 2016.
The inaugural event was “The Anthropocene Slam: A Cabinet of Curiosities,” hosted by UW-Madison in the Fall of 2014, and here you can read my pitch for the monkey wrench.
“Reading Tree in Nature's Nation: Toward a Field Guide to Sylvan Literacy in the Nineteenth-Century United States.” The American Historical Review 121, 4 (2016): 1114-1140
Received the 2016 Forest History Society's Theodore C. Blegen Award for the best article in forest and conservation history published in a journal other than Environmental History.
“At Home in the Great Northern Wilderness: African Americans and Freedom’s Ecology in the Adirondacks, 1846-1859.” Environmental Humanities 2 (2013): 117-146.
Introduction to “Why We Write: A History Slam,” a bundled series of four essays that I collected and edited, and to which I contributed. Rethinking History 16, 1 (2012): 121-124.
“Drifting,” in “Why We Write,” Rethinking History 16, 1 (2012): 140-145.